Katadyn BeFree H2o Filter Review

Katadyn BeFree Water Filter Review

The Katadyn BeFree water filter has become one of our get-tos for ultralight backpacking. This microfilter has an incredible flow charge per unit, and it tin be cleaned in the field. You can drink straight from the summit similar a sports bottle, then you can spend less time squeezing or pumping and more time enjoying the trail. The BeFree earned a top spot on our Best Water Filters listing for its low weight, convenience, and meaty size.

Quick Specs

MSRP (includes 1L flask): $50

MEASURED WEIGHT: 2.three oz.

The Katadyn BeFree filter comes with a 1l soft flask

The Katadyn BeFree filter comes with a 1l soft flask


AFFORDABLE - We've been using the same BeFree filter for two years while covering hundreds of trail miles, and information technology's still going strong. It's piece of cake to clean, so you tin keep bringing it dorsum to life over and over once more if the period rate diminishes. We're sure it has a limit somewhere, but we however oasis't establish it after a lot of hard utilize.

We've been using the same BeFree filter for hundreds of trail miles, so it's well worth the cost

We've been using the same BeFree filter for hundreds of trail miles, so it'due south well worth the cost

ULTRALIGHT - The BeFree is amazingly lite, weighing but 2.3 oz. including the soft bottle. The filter itself is only i.two oz. and it fits on some other bottles should you determine to swap out the stock soft flask for something a little more versatile. We like pairing the BeFree with a Hydrapak Flux 1L water canteen (2 oz.) from our Best Water Bottles list. Nosotros potable directly from the filter to eliminate the need to carry a split up bottle for dirty h2o. If you lot choose to go this road, yous can relieve a few bucks by purchasing the replacement filter only which doesn't include the BeFree bottle.

The Katadyn BeFree and Hydrapak Flux Soft Bottle make for an ultralight water system

The Katadyn BeFree and Hydrapak Flux Soft Canteen make for an ultralight water organization

Bully FLOW RATE - When the BeFree is brand new or freshly cleaned, it has an unbelievably quick and smooth period rate. If y'all choose to filter water into a clean bottle - as opposed to drinking directly from the BeFree - it only takes a minute or then to filter a liter.

The Katadyn BeFree has an amazing flow rate for such a tiny filter

The Katadyn BeFree has an amazing flow rate for such a tiny filter

Like shooting fish in a barrel TO USE - If you're fine with drinking straight from the BeFree, which is how nosotros typically use information technology, filtering water is as elementary as finding a source, filling your bottle, and drinking. If you'd adopt to filter into another bottle, all you take to do is fill up the soft bottle and squeeze water through the filter.

Filtering water with the BeFree is as easy filling your bottle from the source, screwing the filter back on, and drinking

Filtering h2o with the BeFree is equally like shooting fish in a barrel filling your bottle from the source, screwing the filter back on, and drinking

FIELD CLEANABLE - It's normal for the menstruum rate to slow downward over time with water filters. When the menses charge per unit starts to diminish on your BeFree, information technology'southward incredibly easy to bring information technology back to life. Different other microfilters that sit in a plastic housing, the filter element of the BeFree is exposed in a perforated tube. This makes information technology easier to dislodge silt and other floaties that can cause information technology to clog. To clean information technology in the field, just fill your bottle about halfway with water, screw on the BeFree, and shake vigorously for well-nigh xxx seconds. This is ordinarily sufficient to restore the flow rate until you tin get to a sink to make clean it more thoroughly.

Using the Katadyn BeFree and Hydrapak Flux on a JMT thru-hike

Using the Katadyn BeFree and Hydrapak Flux on a JMT thru-hike


DOESN'T REMOVE VIRUSES - Because the BeFree is a filter, not a purifier, it won't remove the smallest virus particles from your h2o. If you lot're in an area where viruses are a big concern, yous may want to bring a purifying chemical treatment such as drops or pills to use in conjunction with your BeFree.

The Katadyn BeFree is a .1 micron filter, so it removes all but the smallest water hazards

The Katadyn BeFree is a .i micron filter, and so it removes all only the smallest h2o hazards

CAN LOSE FLOW Rate QUICKLY IN SILTY WATER SOURCES - The BeFree is a microfilter, and as such can be prone to clogging quickly if you're filtering from particularly silty or debris-laden sources. If you detect that you're having trouble with a boring flow charge per unit, but give the bottle with your BeFree attached a vigorous shake to restore a expert amount of flow.

Katadyn BeFree VS Sawyer Squeeze

Nosotros used the Sawyer Squeeze for many years earlier switching over to the Katadyn BeFree. Both filters are affordable, ultralight, compact, and piece of cake to use. But there are a few things we prefer about the BeFree over the Sawyer Squeeze. For 1, the BeFree is much easier to clean in the field. We don't take to worry about toting a backflush syringe, and since the filter element itself is exposed on the BeFree nosotros can run across when information technology'south time for a cleaning. Nosotros also adopt the silicone bottle that comes with the BeFree over the plastic squeeze pouch that comes with the Sawyer. We've had some durability problems with Sawyer'southward pouches in the past, but the bottle that comes with the BeFree has held up a little better in our feel.

The Sawyer Squeeze (left) and the Katadyn BeFree (right) are both ultralight, easy to use, and affordable

The Sawyer Squeeze (left) and the Katadyn BeFree (right) are both ultralight, easy to use, and affordable

Bottom LINE

The Katadyn BeFree is an fantabulous choice for backpackers looking to save coin, weight, time, and pack space with their h2o system. This microfilter is affordable, it has an unbeatable menstruation rate, and it'southward like shooting fish in a barrel to make clean in the field. Nosotros similar to pair information technology with the Hydrapak Flux soft canteen, and together they brand for a very user-friendly mode to stay hydrated on trail. Check out how the BeFree compares to our other favorite h2o filters on our Best H2o Filters list.

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About the Author - Casey

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